Thursday, June 14, 2007

Game 4. Ugh

Welcome to the world, Bryce Maximus James. Congrats to LeBron and Savannah on bringing their second son to the nation's finest city, the diamond-crusted baby sneakers are from us in the Search.

Welcome to a world in which the Cavs are the NBA's second-best team. Welcome to a world in which LeBron, your dad, is rapidly becoming the most dominant force in basketball. Welcome to a world in which people still care more about Paris Hilton's jail stint than watching your dad in the NBA Finals. Welcome to a world that David Stern is about to overtake in a Hamas-style coup to create an NBA-tatorship.

Tonight, LBJ will play inspired ball to welcome Bryce, and Cleveland will experience its first ever NBA Finals win.

Cavs: 92
Spurs: 81

LeBron: 28 (11 of 21 shooting), 7 rebounds, 11 assists
Z: 15, 11
Sasha: 14
Gibson: 14

Duncan: 21, 16
Parker: 16, 6 TOs
Ginobili: 9 points


Dave T said...

we are such cleveland fans...even when we get to the finals we still somehow get embarrassed or have our hearts crushed. I don't think it should be the case with this team getting to the finals (LeBron + No one + No Coach apparently equals finals) but it always is. I guess they put up a reasonable fight in the last two games, but just never looked like a threat. Oh well, now we can look forward to an off season of not improving and watch the rest of the east close any gap that this playoff run might have created.

(and yes, you read this correctly, I am salty as hell, and for no other reason than the Cavs got no respect in the finals and then did nothing to earn any)

Dave T said...

where has the search gone? The Cavs are done yes, but does that mean so is the search? The Tribe is still rolling and the Browns and Bucks football can't be too far away to start dealing on.