Wednesday, June 27, 2007


For our first contribution to the search we thought it was appropriate to give a shout out to the big fella, Pronk. The man mashes and we absolutely respect that, but even more, the guy is all business out there. So much so, that in an effort to just get it done, it was rumored that he asked the league if he could rid himself of those cumbersome sleeves you see there under his cut off jersey and just go suns out guns out. Now if that is not a guy who you want in the middle of your line-up we are not sure who is. Imagine if he was out there, guns blazing, flexing all over the place and just dropping bombs, or lacing two-run game tying gappers (see last night's 9th inning). The appropriately named, farmer's tan on that guy would be classic the first couple times he unleashed the pipes. All in all, this guy in an MVP type hitter and never complains at all. It will probably come down to signing him or CC (before he bolts to the left coast, as was noted previously on the search), and I would have to say that I am comfortable leaving this masher in the middle of the line-up for a long time. Grady gets on, Pronk brings him home...we like the way that sounds.


gordo said...

If and when Pronk plays w/ no sleeves, let's just put his bust for Cooperstown on express order. That's the best idea I've ever heard.

C Grizzly Oswold said...

there's no concealing your man crush