Monday, June 4, 2007

Cleveland Rocks

Every so often the praises of Cleveland sports are sung from far and wide. Our hunch is that as Cleveland sports fans you scour the PD, ABJ and Canton Rep without any encouragement from us, so we'll leave those to you. We thought we'd save you the trouble of seeking them out, and provide them in a nifty little bulletpoint format here:



LeLuke Dizzle said...

Quinn holding out. I can understand why he might....wait a second no I can't. This guy needs to learn his lesson from the draft free fall, get into camp and try to compete for the starting QB position. There is no more rotund Chaz "friend of JB Jovi" Weis to protect him. In fact he's dealing with a coach, whose career is on life support and thought Mo Carthon was an offensive savant.

As much as I do not like Frye, I keep getting the sinking feeling that we will have to get used to him being the starter 07' for as long as his limbs stay attached.

gordo said...

It would be borderline insane for Quinn to hold out if he actually wants to see the field this year. Condon has a history of holding teams to the fire, especially for QBs, but Brady's driving the bus. If he wants to be in camp on time--if he wants to start--a deal will get done. Should be interesting.