Good tip on the value of the beard for hunting, though. We have lots of problems with the glare off of our faces in the middle of the woods. Oh, and Casey snacking on sushi AND tuna fish? Couldn't tuna fish be sort of assumed to be captured by the "sushi" snack? Hoynesie has always been a detail man.
There's actually some pretty good Tribe stuff in Pluto's latest at the ABJ, but he must have taken a visit to the dummy den at the PD for an idea on the column structure. A Q&A with yourself? That sounds like a Bud Shaw masterpiece. We think we'd have preferrred an actual Q&A with Shapiro, but we guess this does the trick. Let's just say we're very disappointed that the Tribe seem to be putting the Andy Marte project on hold, b/c he sucks so bad. Oh, and we wish Jeremy Sowers all the luck in the world with his particle physics thesis...we figure that's what's got him distracted on the mound and has him getting touched in AAA.
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