Monday, June 25, 2007

More Good News

So, we're not going to have any rookies on the Browns' roster this year, we guess. Even the Super Scout himself is living somewhere far south of optimistic about the chances of getting either Thomas or Quinn into training camp on time, and the fact that Romeo has been seen cupping Easy E (Wright)'s balls in between reps does the organization no favors as far as getting his agent on the same page (Wright and Thomas share an agent...sweet).

We'd been intrigued to this point by the lack of coverage of Thomas' negotiations; obviously, all the press had been dedicated to Quinn's impending holdout, so JT was flying a bit below the radar. How psyched is Thomas to have Quinn to do the Teen Vogue covers so JT can focus on snagging Walleye on the Great Lakes? We're big Joe Thomas people.

In any case, all of this BS brings back to mind, as this time of year always does, the NFL's need for a rookie wage scale. We understand the issues surrounding NFL contracts, lack of guarantees being the biggest, but it seems to us there's got to be a remedy for that in rookie contracts. Getting rookies into camp on time seems to be more important in the NFL than any other professional league, as far as we're concerned, and teams are entitled to get the most out of their rookies when they're guaranteeing $20mm+. So, model after the NBA, base the guarantees off of the same draft slot from the previous year, make rookie contracts 4 years in duration, with a mutual option for a 5th year, and give the rooks a chance to earn that big second contract (and big guarantee) quicker. We're not that smart, though.

1 comment:

ApolloMike said...

Since when is Ron Howard the GM of the Browns?