Friday, June 22, 2007

Red or Blue Pill

Alright, we just came up with a vision of the future for the Cavs (well, away from LeBron, who is obviously the entire future), and that future wears #31. Follow us, on a stroll down...uh...future lane (?):

LeBron is under contract (not counting his option year) for three (3) more seasons. Unfortunately, for the next two (2) years, the Titanic contracts of Donyell Marshall, Amon Ones (plays no D and has no J), and Eric Snow are weighing down the SS LeBron and essentially handcuff the organization from making any serious moves to improve--saying nothing of the MENSA deals Ferry made to lock up Hughes and Z until the return of the Messiah. So, for the next two (2) years, we have to hope LeBron keeps himself interested enough to win an MVP or 2 and keep going back to the Finals.

However, coincident with Marshall, Ones and Snow skating off to Shady Acres and taking over the AARP leadership (and taking almost $18mm with them), Shawn "The Matrix" Marion will be an unrestricted free agent. That's right, in the summer of '09 (you have to take the long view as a Cleveland sports fan), Matrix will hit the market, unfettered, and, we think, looking to move out of Phoenix. At the end of '08/'09 Nash will be 35 and headed toward retirement, and the Marion/Stoudemire (who hate each other, apparently) alpha-dog struggle will be approaching nuclear status. Our bet is that Phoenix will be rebuilding around Stoudemire, and Marion won't want any part of STAT's squad.

What better running mate could LBJ have than Marion at that point? A guy who does everything on the floor, and has been one of the better players in the NBA for the last 3 years. We love it, now go make it happen Danny.

1 comment:

Dave T said...

I like where the search's head is at, but I can't say that I am 100% convinced. I feel like getting another athletic, mediocre shooter is not the answer. I don't think he is an improvment rebounding-wise, but would definitely help with defensive versatility. Just not sure he really gets this team over the hump. Need some one who can flat out shoot and stretch the defense a little to create a lane or two for the King. Plus 18mm on Marion when he is going to be in his 9th year in the leage and about 30 years old is a scary prospect in my mind, especially with how his game is all about his athleticism.

That is my thought, but I like where your head is at, examining ideas.