Sunday, June 3, 2007

Cleveland Steamer

Over the past week, the City of Cleveland's sports franchises dropped a collective deuce on the chest of Detroit, Michigan. As the Indians went 5-2 against the Tigers in 7 games (to turn a 1/2- game deficit in the AL Central into a 2 1/2-game lead), LeBron and the Gang flipped an 0-2 deficit in the Eastern Conference Finals on the Pistons to win 4 straight and take the Eastern Conference crown in 6 games. Truth be told, the Cavs could have gone 6-0 in this series, as they completely outplayed the Pistons in each game.

What we enjoyed most while searching Brentwood high and low for clues, though, was the exhibition of mental instability that Detroit put on display. It's always fun when crazies like Gary Sheffield and Rasheed Wallace get together to endager the lives of 10s of thousands of innocent people all at once. Let the record show, Detroit, that while you may be Cleveland's bitch, you've got a stranglehold on the "most sociopathic athletes" title, with no legitimate contenders in sight.

A quick note on Rasheed. We used to think that he was just a massive jerk, who was totally capable of but had no interest in attempting to control his emotions on the court. After that meltdown last night, though, it's pretty clear he's just crazy as a shithouse rat (which is pretty dang crazy). We were scared for the lives of Eddie Rush and the other refs, and legitimately concerned he might reemerge from the locker room with some C-4 strapped to the bare patch on the back of his head.

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