Wednesday, June 6, 2007

LeBron James, Baller

Considering the Conference Finals were broadcast primarily on the Versus Network, we're sort of surprised at all the hype surrounding the upcoming NBA's probably due to everyone's favorite city, Cleveland, making an appearance. Or maybe it's this LeBron James character. The New York Times is officially our favorite paper after printing 1,200 LeBron James is a deity articles over the last 4 days, and we very much appreciate the perspective with which they approach LeBrizzle's abilities.

Everyone wants to paint him as Michael, or Magic, or Larry (he can't touch Larry's mullet or 'stache, sorry), but he's just LeBron. Sure, there are elements of a lot of other players' games, but as much as Kobe tries to pattern himself after Michael (down to the womanizing and hatred of his sniveling teammates), LeBron has established his own identity as a player, and, well, he seems to be doing just fine with that. Oh, and we're embarassed to say we'd forgotten about the "King James Playbook" commercials with Bernie Mac, but once the Times mentioned those, we remembered our affinity for them. Please join us in this trip down memory lane. Look at you, innocent LeBron...

In other Cavs news, Mike Brown is looking at an extension after the season, and we're hopeful there will be stipulations in said extension encouraging the running of offensive plays and sets. Sure, Mike, we love the random offense; and getting LeBron the ball 26 feet from the hoop with 7 seconds on the shot clock is an automatic 2, but for the love of cheese, can we do better? Maybe a million dollars per set play...we're not good with money. Does LeBron own stock in Mike's contract?

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