In any case, it sounds like CC's bash was quite the scene, man. Playboy, Crown, David Wright...that isht was off the hook. We were especially taken by the tale of the DJ's heartfelt calls wishing CC a happy birthday.
The real interesting part, though, as Jay pointed out to us, is that the words "Cleveland" and "Indians" are mentioned a grand total of two times in the article (once each). Plus, in the list of ballplayers trotted out by the article's author as being in the VIP section, neither of CC's beloved Indians compatriots at the All-Star Game was mentioned. We don't get a warm fuzzy feeling about the prospects of bringing CC back to C-Town after next year, especially following the story about how excited he and grandpa Sabathia had gotten when local favorite Barry Bonds had returned to play for the Giants.
Thanks to Drew for the look on this one, and, as Mike mentioned to us, for the sartorial consult to Sabathia. The untucked, well-pressed button down is a Drew staple.
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