Thursday, July 12, 2007

Getting a Brazilian

We have no idea how to say anything in Portugese, so we won't even try. What we will say is that our favorite place for brunch/smoking-hot-babe people watching in New York City was Felix, a Brazilian/French cafe in SoHo. So, we feel an affinity for the people of Brazil.

And we're pretty happy that Cleveland's favorite Braziler, Andy Varejao, looks to be out of options and will likely return to the Cavs. While we worry about Andy's mental state after having been cast aside by the Grizz in favor of Darko Milicic (Darko Milicic??!?!!), we know LeBron likes the wild man, and will be happy to have him back. What's more, the Cavs find themselves in a place where they've got Varejao by the short hairs since no other team in the league has any cap room to make a run at Varejao.

That said, we're not big believers in doing the bare minimum and exploiting a situation like this. We hadn't realized that the Cavs and Varejao's camp were far apart on dough, but we definitely don't like the idea of a pissed off Varejao playing for a $1.3mm qualifying offer. If Darko got $7mm per, we say we start there w/ Andy in the interest of keeping him happy, while recognizing he's out of options. We're sure #35 has something ingenious cooked up, though.

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