Friday, July 13, 2007

Bang for Your Buck

We thought it was interesting in light of all the A-Rod salary talk to bring up the point that the 1995 Cleveland Indian's combined payroll in their run through the AL was....wait for it...$35.2mm. Thats right, granted it was ten years ago, but for essentially the same amount of money you could have hired the best team in the AL, and now it gets you a dude who can mash, but also cries. As we all know, there is no crying in baseball, especially with a $252mm contract. Just not sure we would ever condone paying $30-32mm a year to a dude who cries and has never won. Peep that picture, come on, is this guy really worth that much money? Even though the guy's numbers are undeniable and he is probably a HOF lock, we would say no way he is worth that much money. Not till you get a ring broseph.

1 comment:

gordo said...

Do you think it says "Fuck you" on the back of Mrs. Rod's bikini top there? Is that on all of her clothes? A-Rod is such a crying ninny w/ frosted tips I probably wouldn't pay him $0.35 to play the hot corner in Cleveland, even if it means sticking with the indomitable Casey Blake.