Thursday, July 12, 2007

He Thought He Was Coming On For "Unskinny Bop"

Brady Quinn takes a ton of shit on these interwebs for stuff that, we feel, is pretty ordinary college-kid behavior. Who hasn't been photographed grabbing his buddies' crotches on golf outi--oh, well, we maybe the flack for that one was warranted.

But the point is, Brady's a 22-year-old dude, generally doing 22-year-old dude stuff. He dresses up funny to make his sister laugh at her wedding, he dates hot blonde chicks, he likes the lyrical stylings of Bret Michaels and his Poison compatriots. Who among us doesn't, right? And for this he takes an incredible amount of crud, which we mostly chalk up to jealousy.

We mean, what regular, red-blooded American lad aged 22-35 wouldn't take this picture with Bret Michaels if given the opportunity? We'd make it our screensaver AND our Christmas card, quite frankly.

And furthermore, we think it's awesome that Brady is self-effacing enough, and still enough of a fan himself, to get up on stage with Poison and sing "Nothing But A Good Time." Tell us you wouldn't do the same thing.

We're willing to admit that our vision is tinged a bit Orange and Brown, and that we'd be crying "pussy" if the Browns hadn't drafted him--but for now we like it...that's our story and we're sticking to it.

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