Tuesday, July 17, 2007

NFL: Police State

This one's going to be interesting. Mike Vick was just indicted on federal charges relating to this whole dog-fighting deal we've been hearing about for months. He figures to be making that face a lot in the shower room in the coming years...

Obviously, we kid, b/c that's sort of what we do here. To be clear, Vick is still presumed innocent, and has merely been indicted, which is the first step it what promises to be a long process. If the evidence doesn't support this, obviously he should be set free, but if he's guilty, man, they should do the same shit to him he's accused of having done to these dogs. We hadn't heard this before, but among other things, he's charged with, essentially, torturing and killing dogs that weren't going to fight. Wow.

So now, Commish Goodell has some doing to do. Does Vick get his due process before the commish swoops in? Pacman Jones has never been indicted in federal charges, has never been convicted of anything...does his appeal have new teeth if Vick is left alone during the legal process? By the way, it looks like Pac may be allowed to participate in training camp and even preseason games. Say what? What kind of suspension is that?

It'll be interesting. Seems to us the league can't convict Vick before the courts do.

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